Really? You're both-sidesing this? Wow.
Are you in America? Have you not seen and heard what's happening here? The right is making a determined bid to unspool our rights and safety nets. It's not hyperbole. It's not insult. It's fact.
Why did republicans in Congress cancel CHIPs (healthcare coverage for children)? That was a program that was working and had been working since the 1990s.
Why do they consistently try to block free school lunches?
Why do they consistently block efforts to make sure kids in need are fed over the summer break?
Why are SNAP benefits one of the first things republicans want to cut?
Why do republicans want to gut Social Security?
Who was it came up with "welfare queens?"
Who demonizes the LGBTQ?
Who voted AGAINST the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009?
Who voted AGAINST The Violence Against Women Act?
This could go on interminably. I didn't do the polarizing. But, I'm for damn sure gonna answer it!