Romance, Heartache, Betrayal

Broken dreams

Before There Was Love — 1989

Author, D. Denise Dianaty
2 min readFeb 15, 2023


Colored pencil drawing by the poet

I dreamed a dream…
A life where I was happy.
I loved and was loved.

A gentle lover held my hand
And showed me the way to joy.
Our love gave us precious treasure,
The gift of sweet laughter,
The patter of tiny feet…
Myself, a mother looking on…
My lover, a father smiling gently…
Our children dancing joyfully about him.

I dreamed a dream…
A broken dream I couldn’t make true.
In waking truth I am alone.
The lover who held my hand
Led me only to pain.

My love returned no treasure…
Only pain and regret,
Bewilderment and betrayal…
Only the sound of retreating steps…
Myself, a woman alone, looking on…
My lover, a fading shadow, deeping pain…
Our children a broken dream,
Cutting deep as a knife in the night.



Author, D. Denise Dianaty

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