But, some modern day preachers, like pastor Greg Locke, have done so, using the man from whom Christ cast demons into the swine as their proof. They will tell you Spectrum behaviors – and even epilepsy – is demonic possession. Focus on the Family says that depression and mental illness can be traced to demonic powers.
Greg Locke : https://baptistnews.com/article/shame-on-you-pastor-greg-locke-for-saying-autism-is-demon-possession/#.YzGi3i2B0Rw
Epilepsy Foundation https://www.epilepsy.com/connect/forum-archive/living-epilepsy-adults/epilepsy-and-demonic-possessionor-something-sort
Focus on the Family https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family-qa/depression-and-supernatural-influences/