Explain the identical twins, from whom I grew up accross the street in Florida. They lived the same environmental stresses from in utero through the time I knew them through middle school. In elementary school, they were "Darlene and Marlene," or "the twins." One got into criminal trouble beginning in middle school. The other did not. In school, I personally saw them both, on multiple occasions in middle school, tempted by the same peers and one go along with those peers while the other chose not to.
They each chose. Who chose more freely? I would argue the sister who chose not to give into that peer group chose more freely. But, they both chose.
I'm sorry. I disagree with your premise that there is no free will. I studied the same philosophies in college psych. My take, though, was that we all make our choices in free will, but those choices are driven by previous choices freely made. And, cycles can be broken, are broken all the time.