He's driving the biggest economic factor out of his state. Bringing in nearly $800 million a year on its own, Disney is more than 1% of state's economy, employing more than 12% of its people. But, the organization brings in more than just what it generates. Tourism brings more than $27 billion to the state. Disney World is the big draw bringing those tourism dollars to the Florida. It's the reason most of the rest of the tourist destinations thrive – people visit the other destinations because they're visiting Disney.
He's also not thinking in any realistic future minded way. The land of the state is sinking as well as the sea levels rising. The lower third is going entirely under, likely leaving the center third reduced to marsh and swamp lands – Disney sits in that middle third. It also sits in the narrowest part of the state and will be impacted by the Eastern Seaboard being subsumed. I don't know how much of state will be swallowed by the Gulf side; but, it cannot be good. How much of Orland will remain?
I think the company has been for a long time quietly exploring plans to bug out of the state due to projected climate change outcomes. Disney's attractions are largely modular and may be dismantled and moved more easily, which can only aid in any relocation. Now because of DeSantis' petty vindictive actions, the company has scuttled a billion dollar development and more than 2000 new people to the state, plus the jobs that would have been created in support of that development and new staff.