Hope for America’s Soul
Trump lies kill Americans…
shackling hate and drowning hope…
His only legacy…
…a legacy of death
3 min readDec 29, 2020
Donald the Orange,
looming and rotund,
making the Bible his cheap prop.
Boneman, eater of souls…
the nightmare brutalizing decency,
breaking trust, betrayer of humanity
promoter of poverty and death
in a nation held hostage.
The Don’s bellowing mob…
echoing trumpery of lies and rage…
the “Army of Trump”
beating their war drums,
occupied America four years.
Ring in the new year
while the Nightmare Man
plays another round of golf
and bemoans that on no covers
was his porn model displayed
shackling hate and drowning hope…
His only legacy…
…a legacy of death
In the midst of a global pandemic,
Our nation convulses in pain…
four hundred years of racism
carved in the skin of freedom.
Unarmed Black citizens
murdered by policemen…
Our Black brothers and sisters…
…still, they die …still they die
for mere suspicion they die
while murdering white boys pass unmolested
raving white supremacists
advocating oppression and genocide.
An agenda fueled by illogic and hate
If the “other” cannot be suppressed…
…oppressed to benefit the white race,
then make war against it
Cloak it with a “Christian” veneer
with nothing of Christ in its ideology.
shackling hate and drowning hope…
His only legacy…
…a legacy of death
A bleak dawn last Mother’s Day
saw eighty thousand dead
One hundred thirty thousand
“liberated” from life
for Independence Day 2020
two hundred thirty seven thousand, November 3rd.
And, Merry fucking Christmas…
grimly marked the day with death.
A new year dawns… yet another grim marker
racing toward 400 thousand dead.
The fetid promise: So much winning…
Our pleading cry: Are we done winning yet?
America’s next deadly inning
Surpass four hundred thousand lost lives debt
In these few — still too many — days to come
The “Chosen One” chooses the vile, arrant lie.
Americans die by the Don’s cold killing choice.
shackling hate and drowning hope…
His only legacy…
…a legacy of death
And yet… and yet…
His days grow short…
We see the hint of light
We rise… we rise…
and cling to hope.
We see the growing glimmer
…the glimmer of hope
dawning with the new year
We embrace the hope…
choose hope and remember…
America rejected the lying rich bully…
the nightmare brutalizing decency…
blackening the soul of America…
offering only degradation and death.
America elected kindness
and chose Scranton’s poor boy
the kind boy with the stutter.
Still, we dare hope for America’s soul.
© 29 December 2020