I agree. But, the problem I saw with all the tests they put my child through is that people giving the tests relied on the tests and didn't hear me or my son at all.
Now, I too took a battery of tests back in the day when I was trying to get registered for services to send me to college. The tests were rediculous. I performed at the top of every assessment and got my school funding. But, they tried to force me into athletic physical therapy or Bus Admin studies. I was chubby and out of shape even then. Yes, I enjoyed a lot of very active pursuits – that's how I got the miriad injuries that led to my hip and knee issues. I was also not terribly healthy ever, suffering a constellation of health issues that have, in the intervening years, left me disabled. But, they thought I was best suited to athletic ANYTHING! I grew up doing bookkeeping for my Gran's business, so I had a raft of skills that made them try to direct me into Business Administration. I unequivocally had no such interests or aptitudes.
I had to fight to be allowed to study art and photography. Thankfully, I found a teacher who saw my sketch diaries and fought for me. But, the people trying to "guide" my future just saw a set of test results.
Everyone needs guidance. Tests may highlight a part of the answers. But, the people giving the tests don't want to venture beyond the black and white data points of their tests. People and their wellbeing cannot be decided by data points. That's not guidance – that's an edict.