I believe God reveals God in the ways which best speak to each person and time. The constants I believe transcend time, culture, and personal interaction with God is that God is love and God's love is bestowed with radical Grace; we are meant to reflect the image of the God who is love into the world for each other; we are given to each other for this purpose and to steward creation. I also believe this applies to all sentient beings – meaning that when/if we encounter beings beyond this planet that they will have a relationship with God which met their time and culture and individual need.
For me, all of that is found in the life and teachings of Jesus; trying to live the way of Jesus is the point of calling ourselves "Christians" – that's literally the definition of the word: followers of Christ. The truth is, Jesus never told anyone to go out and start a religion and recreate the saducee/pharisee dichotomy, as modern religion (especially rightwing religion) has become. Jesus taught and demonstrated the way we should live and how we should treat each other – that is the way of Jesus, to do that is to be followers of Christ.
And, I think lots of people who do that without the faith are still doing that. Is that wrong? I don't feel like it is. I feel it's more important to live love into the world as a way of life than to profess religious affiliation without that way of life.