I get what you're saying about value in technological advancement. And, I agree it can be good and usually shakes out that way — eventually. But, that "eventually" takes time, resources, and will to achieve. As of right now, those resources and the will are not there in those with the power to implement them.
I'm sorry, but I find your dismissal of people's worries and your dismissal of the fears of even the bigwigs in charge of the new tech, to be rather unfeeling. Few of us in this world have the privilege of not working for a living to survive. Even in the ancient non-monetary barter economies, we still had to work to produce what we bartered for what we needed.
For all your vaunted praise of doing something different, the truth is we are left with few other options. If you want to eat, to have a roof over your head, to access healthcare you need to live, you must function in the only system we have. Someone has to come up with a way to access what we need to live – and our system means someone has to earn monetary resources to barter for those needs.