I have, actually. As a young teenager (12 to 13 or so), I hated my growing bosom. I strapped it down with ace bandages to bind it. I thought I could keep it from growing.
Now… I don't think that's true. I don't think binding them had anything to do with the trajectory of their explosive growth thereafter.
Anecdotally, when I was found out and made to stop binding them, I had outgrown an A-cup at the start of the school year. By Christmas that same year, I wore a C-cup. By the end of the school year, I wore a D-cup. By the time I graduated from high school, I wore a triple D-cup.
The damn things didn't stop there, though. They didn't stop until I was full F-cup. Then, when I got pregnant at last, at 40, the monsters jumped to a J-cup.
I really was hopping the old wives tale was true and that nursing would shrink them.
I'm still a J-cup.