I share an unconditional love with my husband. We have been together for 30 years. Our loyalty and devotion have deepened with every passing year.
Also, I came from a fundamentalist evangelical background. It was abusive. I separated myself from them because of it. It was hard. But, I never stop wanting a close relationship with my kin. I never stop loving them. The unconditionality is expressed in the knowlege that if they showed up on my doorstep in need, I would not turn them away.
Unconditional love NEVER meant staying for abuse. Even scripture tells us the "shake the dust off our feet" and leave people who abuse or devalue us. But, scripture still tells us to be known by our love.
You are mistaking lost trust and rational self protection for lack of love. And, believe me, I loved my parents and siblings not one bit less for having to put distance between my little family and them.
I can also attest to witnessing the unconditional love of a mother for her children. When my uncle – who was in all likelyhood suffering from untreated bipolar disorder – went to prison not once, but twice, for dangerous crimes, his mother's love never dimmed, never became less. She never let him live under her roof again; but, she did all she could to help him restablish himself when he was released from prison. She never loved him less.
Moreover, virtually every mother of teenaged sons has their unconditional love tested beyond imagining. Mother's of teen boys are sorely tried at every turn. Teen girls tend to be less so, but still are a trial. Teens in general are a trial for parents. Teen boys, though, are a nightmare at times. If we were really incapable of unconditional love, teen boys would be tossed out on their ears by the age of fourteen!