I too no longer need worry about birth control or pregnancy. I never needed an abortion. Like you, though, I know the stories of women who did, women who did not have access to medically safe abortion healthcare. My mother was forced to carry a corpse for more than two weeks because the doctors wouldn't remove it. After two weeks without a heartbeat, they induced labor; that was the longest labor of all her pregnancies – more than a day. Sadly, if they'd offered her an abortion, she'd have refused it because she was a staunch forced birther.
But, as you so aptly put it, it isn't just about abortion.
Planned Parenthood was the only OB/GYN care I had for 20 years from the time I graduated from high school. I married in the early 1990s. My birth control of choice then was the Norplant device. I learned about it and had the implant put in at my local Planned Parenthood. We lived in Missouri then. That clinic is long closed now. But, I had to scuttle into the office past the forced-birther brigade accusing patients of killing their babies. And, when I told my mom I was going to get the Norplant – after she tried to convince me not to go to Planned Parenthood – she asked, "He's [my husband] letting you do that?" When I said, "Of course," she demanded, "Is he making you do that?"
People think the position on these issues changed. That this extremist dogma is new because of the MAGA movement. But, that's not true. This Dominion theology was always there at the core of rightwing conservatism. Whether they were the conservatives of the Civil War and Reconstruction who called themselves "Democrats" or the rightwing conservatives who call themselves republicans today – it's the same authoritarian intent. The difference is the way they've corrupted to system to put themselves into power and keep themselves there.