I would say Jesus’ message is anti-exclusion. His life and teachings are all about inclusion.
God is love and God's agape love means every soul that ever has lived, is living, or ever will live – bar none, without exception. That is faith.
Religion is not faith. Mankind's religions are, all of them, about organization and control – they are all limiting what to believe and how to express that belief. It is constraining God and gatekeeping who is allowed access to God. Religion is, by its very nature, all about exclusion – you can only be included if you live by religion's strictures and doctrines. Conditional love, conditional belief, conditional inclusion – that is religion.
Remember, Jesus didn't tell anyone to go out and start a religion. He taught and exemplified how we should try to be in life and with everyone else – John 13:35, "By your love they will know your are mine." He didn't tell us to found a religion; He told us to spread the Good News of the ultimate inclusion – of God's agape love and forgiveness through grace for everyone.