I'm in that group. My earnings didn't by any means "skyrocket." I went from around $50 a month to around $170 the first month. I was on track to make over $200 in September, but from the 25th onward things tanked and I ended up around $195.
But, my followers and engagement went up precipitously. I've gained more than 1000 new followers since the end of July (the new system launched at the start of August). I went from none or a couple of responses to dozens. The number of people clapping jumped up too. And, I started publishing more pieces.
All of that has helped me earn around $60 so far this month. Yet, my earnings per story have gone down. My earning per story seem to be less than BEFORE the new system was implemented.
Nothing I've read nor the answer to my own complaint to the help contact has addressed these issues in any way I find meaningful. I'm hoping this promise to pay those of us who were hit like this is real and not just some pittance intended to shut us up.