I'm mostly okay with it too. There should be some things off the menu, though… like endangered species or something that cannot be produced without animal cruelty like pâté or the way that's still too common in veal production.
But, vegans think their way is without guilt or damage to ecologies and peoples. It's just not true. Sadly, everything we eat probably results from violence – including soy and palm oil. Remember, a decade ago the Amazon was being bulldozed to make room for soybean crops. And, the indigenous peoples of the region were often violently removed from the land and their way of life.
Mozambique fought a civil war over cashews. Even cocoa production was caught up in a civil war in the Ivory Coast. The barbarism over sugar cane is a stain on all the West.
You can read reporting on palm oil violence here in the New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-violent-costs-of-the-global-palm-oil-boom