I'm sorry. You're way off the mark here. You are demonstrating a misconception about what's happening on the right in America right now.
These are but the tip of the iceberg in what the Trumpers of the political right are doing in America right now: Voter suppression, culture wars and institutionalizing oppression of at risk minorities, stripping Americans of every right gained under the 14th Amendment, blocking and fighting any climate crisis agenda, attacking anyone who works in the service sector – from a store clerk in a mask during the pandemic to threatening and trying to shut down fecking children's hospitals! There is no service job, government nor private sector on which they have not delcared open season. They call themselves the "law and order party" but are actively threatening and even attacking law enforcement facilities and officers. They're even going after the people who work for the National Archives!
Children are dying in schools. No where is safe in America for minorities, from attacks and threats on synagogues, to majority Black or LatinX community grocery stores, to jogging-while-Black.
These are the people you're comparing to rational journalists – who, by definition, are pursuers of truth and speak truth to power.
Again… this is NOT a political divide. This is a survival divide.