I'm sure it wasn't your intent. However, you just repeated the GOP's primary talking points when they're trying legislate to limit ballot access. Not a single point is valid – every point has been roundly disproven. That's one thing for which we can thank covid. The need for mail in voting demonstrated that not only is it more accessible to more voters, it is as or more secure than voting in person.
For shut-ins, the disabled, the elderly, and people who cannot get off work to vote, mail in voting is a godsend. These groups of people have been discouraged from voting because they cannot easily get to the polls nor stand in a line for hours on end. And, don't forget that deployed military personell and Americans working abroad have always voted by absentee ballot – which is just mail in voting. That's tens of millions of voters who are disenfranchised by restricting and limiting mail in voting.
Moreover, that "bullying" you worry about is a statistically nil concern. It almost never happens in a way that could impact an election. Seriously… think of the sheer scale of that bullying which would be required to change the course of an election.
As for the "10 minutes walk" – the overwhelming majority of us do not have a polling station within walking distance at all – including in cities and towns. But, in particular those groups I mentioned at the beginning. In fact, in GOP held states, they are specifically closing polling stations in the most populace areas to suppress miniority voting – in places like Atlanta GA or Dade County FL, for example.
Oh… and just BTW… several red states have been using mail in voting for decades. States like Wyoming and Montana, for example, have long been majority mail in voting – AND overwhelmingly republican voters. The GOP long ago proved that mail in voting works safely and securely. They only wanted to scuttle in 2020 to stop democrats from voting.
Trump has voted by mail in votes, including in 2020. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/19/903886567/trump-while-attacking-mail-voting-casts-mail-ballot-again