Incitement is illegal and it is directly linked to hate speech. Do you think Libs of TicTok isn't responsible for the threats and assaults on LGBTQ people and events, and the threats against children's hospitals? Do you think Trump and company were not inciting the insurrection with their hate speech?
And, hate speech is pretty clearly defined as any speech promoting hatred against groups or minorities for no other reason that they exist and cannot choose to be that minority. DeSantis wouldn't agree that his anti-LGBTQ agenda and policies are hate. Nazis and Hitler wouldn't have agreed that their speech against Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, the disabled, et al, was hate speech. These people call their hate "truth" – do we defend that speech because those people see their existential threats against the targets of their hate as some grand truth?
And, I did write that we need to vote them out and educate their children. They are lost causes. The conservative leaning voters who can be reached have already been reached – that's why Biden and dems won in 2020. The MAGA set are NOT 30%. Conservatives are 30%. MAGA is a dwindling subset, but it's the group to which the current GOP panders, as Biden pointed out in his recent address to the nation. Just like the hardcore minority of Southern Dems couldn't be reached, the MAGA core cannot be reached. But, they can be disempowered – at that begins with NOT compromising with them, NOT making excuses or giving any modicum of credence to their utterings. They must be repudiated for the pariahs they have made themselves.
We cannot make the mistake our society made after the Civil War. They tried compromise, to qualify, to bring them back in. And, that gave us a hundred years of the Jim Crow South. When the Democrat Party finally cut them off and turned their backs on them by passing the 1965 Civil Rights Amendment, those Southern Democrats fled to the GOP who lured them in by pandering to their bigotry. That's how the GOP got to where it is today – far removed from the party of 1956, whose election year party platform was:
Provide federal assistance to low-income communities
Protect Social Security
Provide asylum for refugees
Extend minimum wageImprove unemployment benefit system so it covers more people
Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union
Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex