It doesn't matter to most people that those OT gotcha verses are known, by scholars, to have been changed form their original form – by studying the linguistic and phrasing modes of different eras. That line written about laying with a man as a woman is not original to the edict from the oral tradition. Moreover, scholars tell us those edicts were about temple practices. In addition, for Christianity, when Jesus was presented with the plea of the Centurian, the terms used in the Aramaic denoted a sam-sex relationship. Jesus praised the Centurian for his faith and the "servant" was healed. The nature of the relationship was not addressed at all.
Ultimately, those "gotcha verses" appear to be period or cultural impositions on the text. If it were truly such a central theme in God's plan, we have to wonder why the Son of God not only didn't address it, but helped praised the faith of someone today's Christians would condemn.