It is already going the same way with homophobia.
The progressive Christian movement is real and bigger than folks realize. The difference is, progressive Christians do what is decent and good in the world without touting our religion as the reason. We do good because it is good. And we believe scripture where it says, "God is love" and if you know love you know God.
You've already met us and know us as friends and allies. We know we make mistakes. But we're ready to learn and change, to hear and see and fight for the truth, to oppose injustice, and work for those in need – to be the love in the world of the God who is love. We're already right here with you.
Sadly, there will be schisms as evangelicalism clings to its selective Old Testament wrath of God biblicalism and refuses to understand that most of the Bible is allegory and we must study it with discernment for what is cultural or period impositions of man and what is a revelation of the true nature of God. That revelation is, as stated above, "God is love" and if you know love, you know God."
We weren't meant to impose a religion on the world to control it. We were intended to be the living image of God in the world by living and demonstrating God's love in the world. That's why Christ commanded, "Be known as my disciples by your love for one another."