Jodie Whitaker and the Doctor being a woman were not the problems with her run. The problem was Chris Chibnall. He tried to write a story arc that wasn't Doctor Who. I genuinely believe it would not have mattered if the actor in the role was another man or a different woman. Chibnall spent most his run sidelining the Doctor's character and trying to sell us on his Lesbian fantasy between Yaz and the Doctor. In fact, if you watch any other work he's done, he rams the same basic three characters into every franchise he touches, then flogs it to death, far removed from the franchise lore. Look how he sidelined Captain Jack Harkness in Torchwood! He just veneered Doctor Who onto the same basic story threads.
The Doctor could have been a woman and Whitaker could have been as good a lean into that as Michelle Gomez made of her turn as Missy (the Master).
Chibnall almost killed the series. He made such a hash out of it that Russel T. Davies was finally dragged out of his languishing mourning to return and save the series again.