Lovely article.
As a progressive Christian, I have only one resolution: I intend to live every moment as Christ centered as possible, trying to be more like Jesus.
And I begin with this prayer:
"A Prayer for Peace"
We pray, O dearest Lord.
We pray for kindness and love,
for compassion and empathy…
for blessings of hope and peace…
We pray for these in every heart.
We pray, in Christ’s name.
We pray for the days
when humankind will look…
will look upon one another
without baleful judgement.
We pray, beneficent God.
We pray humankind will wish…
will wish for each and every soul…
peace, love, and empowered fulfillment,
and for hearts of love and hope
We pray, O God of peace
We pray earnestly for the days…
for the days when humankind
will act for the freedoms,
for the rights of self-empowerment.
We pray, Holy Spirit of Hope.
We pray for human rights…
for the rights of personal autonomy
in which we each, ourselves
may come to know, to grow.
We pray, O Lord of peace.
We pray all may know right-relationship
with You, the God who is love.
We pray for holy peace in hearts
that will lead us to such a world.
© 04 December 2021, by D. Denise Dianaty a.k.a. MomzillaNC