My parents and kin haven't supported my writing. But then, that was no surprise. None of them have ever been avid readers or art enthusiasts. Still, I have to think your parents would show up if you received a Pulitzer – if for no other reason that to bask in the credit for having produced a Pulitzer Prize winner.
I know that's what my mother would have done. Folks have been forever telling me how she praised me and told them I'm an author and poet, and that she pushed me to publish my book of poetry. But, she never bought either my book of poetry or my romance novelette. I heard from people how she loved to tell them I was an award winning graphic designer. But, she never read a single issue of any of the magazines or newspapers which I designed. Hell, she didn't even attend the art showings; but, she loved telling people about it when I got something in a showing.
She also loved telling me how I should have done it all to make it "better" in her opinion.
It's my experience and observations, that the most critical and dismissive parents often are behind your back taking credit for your success and talents when presented the opportunity – or when they can create an opportunity to do so.