No, they weren't "Secretary of State" or something. But, a prominent German Jewish group supported Hitler's rise, the "Association of German National Jews" (in the German language, "Verband nationaldeutscher Juden"). The association had 10,000 or more members representing the interests of conservative assimilated Jewish German citizens.
After Nazis controlled everything, they turned on the association, disolved it, arrested its leaders, and murdered many of them in concentration camps.
For reference, the US DNC (also without a "Secretary of State, etc) has around 500 members representing the interests of around 150 million American citizens.
There were other group representing Jewish people in Germany. Mostly, they voted against Social Democrats and Socialists and Communists. That left Hitler's party.
In addition, about 150,000 soldiers (out of total of 18 million Wehrmacht soldiers) were at least half Jewish until Nazis stopped recruting them in 1941.
There's a lot of reporting on this. One of the most recent I've read is