Or… think back to when Trump told us — apropos to nothing at all — that he did NOT have a series of mini-strokes.
My Gran suffered from that from around the age of 70. After a decade of mini-strokes, she ended up in a nursing home with advanced senile dementia. She spent her final decade in that home.
The point is, you don't have one attack of those mini-strokes. They hit you over and over again, maybe a few times a year. I'm fairly certain, from comparing Trump's decline to my Gran's (though she wasn't an evil, lying rapist), that Trump has been in decline with mini-strokes for years.
Think about it. It explains so much of his unguarded perfidy. It explains the falling of his face and that weird stance of his. It explains his deteriorating speech patterns and the skewed, slurred moments, the non-sequiturs, the fixations on gobsmacking lunacies like toilet flushing and deadly windmills.
Look at the photo of his inauguration. Even then, he had that dementia stance. Go back and watch his face during that fetid speech after he descended that escalator — look at his eyes and expressions, at how disconnected they were. I think he's been suffering those mini-strokes since before 2016.
Gran went years before we realized how bad it was getting. Mostly, she just became more fixedly her with the progression. Trump was always an evil bastard and the condition would only unleash more of that with progression. Isn't that exactly what we've been seeing for the past eight years?