Sadly, the only thing some seem to glean from that Pauline passage is that "sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft" is something to hammer at everyone with their interpretations of sexual immorality as all LGBTQ love, as well as, all too often, mixed-race love; their interpretations, of course, always let them off the hook for any infidelity on their part (all is always forgiven). Impurity and debauchery seem invariably interpreted as all LGBTQ love; and, idolatry and witchcraft (or satanism) they interpret any LGBTQ inclusive and affirming community. They claim LGBTQ and their affirming fellow citizens are "grooming" children and are "pedophies" – all while giving a pass to actual pedophiles (like Roy Moore) in their pursuit of political power. In their eyes, the rest of that passage are things affirming people are guilty of in challenging their politics of cruelty.