That really is an exceptional attitude. I'm not sure I could do it. I had my son late in life. I hope my writing and art may be valued by some future audience. And, I hope I'm remembered as kind and inclusive. Except for son and my husband – and maybe the dog – I wouldn't be much missed by anyone else. I'm okay with that. But, if I'm honest with myself, I have no greater purpose that someone younger and healthier wouldn't be more suited to bring to fruition.
I put everything I had into my son for the last 20 years. He's just grown and launched into world; and, he's already dedicated to making his corner of the world a better place – that's all I ever wanted for him. He's an EMT (or "ditch nurse" as he calls it), on the way to becoming an advanced paramedic. I'm content to depart this life with him as my legacy to the world.
I, however, am an old woman with a bad heart and a constellation of complicating health issues. I genuinely believe it would kill me to lose him. I know I wouldn't want to continue this life without him in the world.