There really ought to be mandatory secondary education. But, overhauling our outdated primary school system would be my job 1. Our teaching systems have not kept up. They just keep layering on knee-jerk actions to technological and societal change without really incorporating them or understanding them.
The Pandemic exposed how broken the system is. They turned to tech to keep it going, but no one really knew how to do that. And, when they got back to in-person schooling, they tried to go back to the old ways and cut tech out again. Seriously? How are you going to punish kids for using the same systems they spent all of Lockdown?
And, get rid of the fucking school cops! No cops in school. Put a school nurse and a proper counselor in every school all day. They've got cops on campus all the time, often more than one. But, a nurse or a counselor? A school is lucky to see them once a month on a rotation.
And, it's not about finances either! They've always found the budget for a couple of school cops on campus, but no care professionals. But then, that's part of the school to prison pipeline for our for-profit prison system.