Throughout human history, it has always been women who were punished for men's worst actions.
Think of Medusa. She was raped by Poseidon. But, she was also supposed to remain a virgin as a priestess of Athena. So, Athena – goddess of wisdom 🙄 – cursed her by turning her into a Gorgon. And, Poseidon went on his merry way raping and seducing at will with nary a consequence.
I've read interpretations today that Athena was actually gifting her with a way to defend herself and punish men who would abuse her. But, that's not how the Ancient Greeks would have understood that tale. Those tales were written by men, after all. They would more likely have blamed the woman for getting herself raped. Even if she wasn't overtly punished, she became shunned and shamed, an unredeemable outcast – "soiled goods." That's how the ancient cultures viewed women – "goods" or chattel (damaged property).