True story: We only ever went to my parents' fundamentalist evangelical church a handful of times for special occaisions – like our first Mother's Day back in NC, my parents 50th Anniversary wedding ceremony, my grandfather's funeral, my grandmother's funeral, and my mother's funeral. Because he died mid-Covid and my son had been exposed a couple of days before working on his EMS internship, we were only at the graveside of my father's funeral.
Church member to my husband – "I love your accent. Where are you from."
Here's the conversation killer from my husband – "Iran."
Member, nodding vaguely and looking around – "Oh. Nice meeting you." She perks up and says, "There's the pastor's wife. I have to catch her before she heads out." And, off they go.
And, no one else ever tried to hold a conversation with him again. But, the pastor did call him out by name, that first Mother's Day, trying to proselytize him from the pulpit.