"Unborn baby" is the problem. They think it's an unborn baby at conception. It's not. An embryo is not even a fetus. Don't give them their own terminology. It's scientifically incorrect. Most abortions happen when the embryo is less than 2 inches. It is no more alive or reactive than sperm or germs at that point. There is no "communicating" with the "baby" at that stage – that's patently absurd.
And, if a woman is making the decision to abort after the first trimester, it's almost always because something has gone catastrophically wrong in the pregnancy. Please, let us be careful with our language about this issue – we must be precise.
As for women being so supportive, Amy Coney Barrett is not an outlier in America's Dominionist theocratic conservative politics of cruelty. Sadly, women in that extremist wing of evangelical Christian-nationalism are ready and willing to oppress the rest of America's (and the world's) women. Right now, that extremist wing looks like around 20% of the nation. More than 80% of white evangelical conservatives (who make up around 75% of the GOP's voting base) are the core of that wing. Yes, you're reading rightly that the GOP only represents around 20% of Americans. They hold outsized power because they have corrupted the Electoral College and local electoral control through radical gerrymandering to disenfranchise democrat, progressive, liberal, and minority voters
Frankly, the world should really be terrified of an America in control of these Dominionists. Dominionism doesn't stop at borders. I'm praying this morass the SCOTUS has created will galvanize the Left to get out and vote this November in the midterms. We need to completely overwhelm the gerrymandering by sheer volume of votes for democrats. If we can get rid of the GOP, then maybe we can get beyond this two party trap we're in.