While I agree with your perspective, I have to say that maybe the Americans taking exception to that particular word do so for valid reasons – i.e. sexist abuse. In the States, that word has long been amongs the most hateful, sexist pejoratives flung at women. Women in America have been hurt by the use of that term and abused by men who use it. The LGBTQ have also had that term applied in quite hateful intent. I think it's made a blind spot for a lot of folks who can't see beyond the harmful and abusive intent of American users of the term.
I know when I read or listen to folks in the UK using the term that they rarely mean any such abuse. I am able to divorce my in-that-moment reaction to the word from my American experience. Maybe that's because I watch a lot of UK shows and read lots of UK writers – I generally prefer it. Sadly, most Americans do not. Most Americans are not equipped to step outside their US-only experience to recognize such cultural nuance.
I'm sorry you've been caught up in a uniquely American battle over the treatment of women and the LGBTQ. I hope it doesn't result in your being dropped from Medium.