Yeah. I have my own little studio where all my creative endeavors come to fruition. I've created a u-shaped workspace. My corner desk holds my 27" iMacPro and various sorting trays for writing needs. On my desk are also the phone, pencil sharpener, desk lamp, journal, resource books. The corner desk includes an attached mini tower to my left for the printer over the drawers where most of my supplies are organized.
Beside the desk to the right of the desk is my mid-century heirloom cedar chest. On that chest is where I keep my sketch diaries and projects waiting for further development. It's also where my camera gear and small portfolio live. Inside the chest are my most precious personal items of memorabilia.
Across from the chest, abutting the corner of the drawers/printer tower of the corner desk, is my drafting table, creating the u-shaped space. It's where I work in my sketch diaries. It's also the place where I set up my watercolor-in-progress artworks. Because we have hardwood floors, the table sits on an ancient Persian rug from Hamid's childhood. Don't worry; it's arranged so that no paint will ever drip on it.
To the left of the drafting table is my easel for oil painting. Again, arranged so that no paint or chemicals will ever drip onto the rug. As scruffy as it is, that rug is a genuine antique and was a gift from Hamid's mother to him before she died when he was a boy.
Under the desk, is a thin memory-foam dog bed for Gizmo the Wonder Schnoodle. In front of cedar chest is a more plush pillow bed for him. These days, he prefers to lounge on the Persian rug under the drafting table. Giz is my constant companion.