Yes, 70% of white American evangelicals vote republican en masse in cultic phrenzy. However, "all Christians," whether Republican or Democrat, liberal and progressive or conservative and rightwing, necessarily are included among those groups in real person numbers of Christians in America that have nothing to do with the political breakdown among voters. Your premise is sensationlizing broad societal facts manipulated to forward your flawed premise on political divisions.
Moreover, your statistics are factually inaccurate. According to Pew Research, 63% of Democrats and lean Democrat, plus, 65% of Independents identify as Christian. Republicans who identify as Christian are at 82%, Additionally, 45% registered voters are registered as Democrat, while 43% are registered as Republican. Nearly 90% of Republican voters are white, while 60% of Democrat voters are white, with more than 20% Black voters, and more than 15% LatinX voters – and again, most of those LatinX and Black voters are going to identify as Christian.