You can read with discernment, however. Is that stricture a product writer's imposition of the times and culture, or is it a true revelation of God who is love?
Remember, that same Leviticus also imposes strictures like someone with a disability cannot enter the Temple; or a woman in menses is unclean and will make anyone who touches her unclean (it also imposes the death penalty for any man and her for having sex during menses); that you must not wear mixed fiber clothing; can't eat shellfish or pork; and more-more-more strictures.
Plus, the list of abominations is endless. We casually accept that all that other stuff was a imposition of the times. We accept that the writers (men whom we also accept were God-inspired to write it all down) imposed their own period and cultural interpretations on the texts. We read those strictures and scoff at the "another time-ness" of it and blythely ignore them.