You take care of you, Jason. Please don't let your writers journey get bogged down.
I completely understand this fatigue. As a form EA, former proofreader, and beta reader I know that there are some who are so needy they seem to expect you to take the reins and make them successful somehow. I'm still a beta reader for my dearest friend; but she is an accomplished wordsmith and a joy to read. After a few hard lessons beta reading for others, I've sworn off taking on any new beta reading unless someone is willing to pay me. The same goes for proofreading.
That kind of thing is why I also don't make more than half a dozen editing corrections to any post pushed to my pub. We are unpaid curators. We should not let ourselves be turned into full-time editors for other people's writing. If they need that much editorial support, they need to pay a professional editor, IME.