Yours is a distressingly inaccurate and accusatory response. To begin – the poor ARE marginalized people.
Are you not awake to the fact that marginalization, by its very nature, includes and engenders economic abuse and disenfranchisement? Black men earn less than white men. White women earn less than white men. Black women earn less than white women. POC and indigenous Americans earn yet again less than.
Marginalized communities receive less infrastructure investment – so they have poorer schools and libraries. Their streets aren't kept up. These communities are often food wastelands with no local grocery stores. Hospitals in their communities are underfunded and over crowded. Too often, it is their communities where the affluent send their waste for processing or storing. Climate hazards more adversely impact their communities.
Being awake or aware of these things is being woke. Moreover, fighting for a more just and equitable society necessarily includes economic justice.